Plus-Size Dating: Do Men Really Treat Plus-size Women Terribly?

Do men really treat plus-size women terribly?

Dating as a plus-size woman can be a challenging experience. Many women have faced mistreatment and discrimination from men, leading to questions about how plus-size women are really treated in the dating world. In this article, I will explore the reality of plus-size dating and delve into the discrimination and biases that plus-size women often face.

Plus-Size Dating: Do Men Really Treat Plus-size Women Terribly?


Key Takeaways:

  • Plus-size women often experience mistreatment and discrimination in the dating world.
  • Societal expectations and body shaming contribute to biases against plus-size women.
  • Men may feel embarrassed to admit their attraction to plus-size women due to societal norms.
  • Secrecy and hidden relationships are common experiences for plus-size women.
  • Some men fetishize plus-size women, which can be dehumanizing and disrespectful.

Personal Experiences: Men Embarrassed to Admit Attraction to Plus-Size Women

In my research, I came across numerous personal accounts shared by plus-size women that shed light on the insecurities and embarrassment some men feel when it comes to admitting their attraction to plus-size women. Despite their genuine interest, many men find it difficult to express their feelings openly due to internalized societal expectations and the prevailing portrayal of thinness as the standard of beauty.

“He used to tell me that he loved my curves, but he never wanted others to know we were together,” recounts Sarah, a plus-size woman who shared her experience. This sentiment was echoed by several others who shared similar stories of their partners treating the relationship as a secret.

These men’s reluctance to openly express their attraction to plus-size women can be attributed to the fear of being judged, labeled, or ridiculed for deviating from societal norms. In a culture that glorifies and idealizes thinness, men may internalize the belief that dating a plus-size woman is a reflection of their own inadequacy, and this can lead to embarrassment and an unwillingness to be associated with plus-size women in public.

“He would always insist on taking me to secluded places, away from prying eyes. I felt like our love was a secret, something to hide,” shared Lisa, another plus-size woman who shared her story.

This reluctance to openly acknowledge attraction to plus-size women contributes to the mistreatment and discrimination faced by plus-size women in the dating realm. It perpetuates the societal expectations that deem plus-size bodies as less desirable and reinforces harmful stereotypes. Ultimately, it hinders the progress towards body positivity and inclusivity in relationships.

It is crucial to challenge these biases and societal expectations, promoting a more inclusive and accepting perspective on women’s bodies. By embracing body positivity and recognizing that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, we can create an environment where plus-size women are treated with the respect, admiration, and love they deserve.

Relationships as Secrets: The Hidden Nature of Plus-Size Dating

When it comes to dating as a plus-size woman, another unfortunate reality that many face is their partners or dates treating the relationship as a secret. It is disheartening to see how societal expectations and biases play a significant role in influencing men’s behavior and perpetuating the mistreatment of plus-size women.

Some men may feel ashamed or see dating a plus-size woman as a blow to their ego. This stigma attached to dating larger women can result in limited public displays of affection, avoiding public dates, and even distancing themselves from their plus-size partners in social situations. The fear of being judged by others or falling short of societal expectations can lead to secrecy in these relationships.

It is essential to recognize that these hidden relationships contribute to the discrimination and mistreatment faced by plus-size women. By keeping the relationship under wraps, men indirectly reinforce the message that dating a plus-size woman is something to be ashamed of or embarrassed about.

“Society has conditioned us to believe that plus-size women are less desirable. It’s heartbreaking to see how it affects relationships. My partner treated our relationship like a secret, which made me question my worth and value.”

plus-size women

This secrecy not only takes an emotional toll on plus-size women but also hinders their ability to experience genuine connection and acceptance. It further reinforces societal biases that perpetuate discriminatory attitudes towards plus-size individuals.

If we want to overcome biases against plus-size women and create a more inclusive dating environment, it is crucial to challenge and break free from these hidden relationships. Couples should feel free to embrace their love openly without fear of judgment or societal expectations.

Embracing Authenticity and Love

We need to redefine beauty standards and encourage body positivity for all individuals, regardless of size. By celebrating diversity and embracing authentic relationships, we can promote inclusivity and challenge the societal norms that contribute to the mistreatment of plus-size women.

It is important for men to recognize the inherent worth and value that plus-size women possess. By valuing their partners for who they are rather than fixating on societal expectations, men can play a crucial role in dismantling biases and fostering a more accepting dating culture.

“Love should not be a secret. We need to challenge society’s shallow beauty standards and appreciate individuals for who they are, not how they look.”

Creating a society that values and respects all body types requires a collective effort. By overcoming biases against plus-size women and challenging the societal expectations placed on women’s bodies, we can pave the way for a more inclusive and compassionate dating landscape.

Fetishization of Plus-Size Women

When it comes to dating as a plus-size woman, one unfortunate reality is the fetishization of our bodies. Some men see plus-size women as nothing more than a kink or a novelty, reducing us to mere objects based solely on our body size. This type of objectification is dehumanizing and disrespectful, yet it remains prevalent in the dating world.

It is disheartening to see how many plus-size women initially perceive these comments as compliments. Society has ingrained the belief that we should be grateful for any attention, even if it is rooted in objectification. However, it is essential to recognize that this kind of attention only perpetuates the mistreatment and discrimination we face.

As plus-size women, we deserve to be loved and desired for who we are as individuals, not solely because of our body size. Fetishization devalues our worth and reduces us to nothing more than our physical appearance. It reinforces harmful stereotypes about plus-size women and reinforces societal expectations that dictate what is considered desirable.

It is important for society to move away from these stereotypes and to embrace body positivity and inclusivity. Plus-size women have so much more to offer beyond their bodies, and it is time for our worth to be recognized and celebrated. We deserve partners who appreciate us for our intelligence, personality, talents, and all the other qualities that make us who we are.

By challenging the fetishization of plus-size women, we can break free from the weight discrimination and societal expectations that hold us back. Let us embrace body positivity and work towards a future where plus-size women are treated with respect and dignity in the dating world.

Fetishization of Plus-Size Women

Effects of Fetishization of Plus-Size Women Steps Towards Positive Change
  • Dehumanization
  • Objectification
  • Low self-esteem
  • Insecurity
  • Mistreatment
  • Promote body positivity
  • Challenge stereotypes
  • Value individuals beyond their physical appearance
  • Embrace inclusivity
  • Advocate for respect and dignity

Not Just a Plus-Size Issue: Discrimination and Challenges in Dating

The mistreatment and discrimination faced by plus-size women in the dating world are not limited to their size. Women of all sizes face challenges and bad dating experiences. However, being plus-size magnifies these issues due to societal biases and expectations.

Low self-esteem, societal beauty standards, and unrealistic expectations from both men and women contribute to the difficulties faced by plus-size women in their dating lives.

It is important to recognize that the mistreatment and discrimination faced by plus-size women are not solely their own problem, but a result of larger societal issues.

Body shaming is prevalent in today’s society, and it affects women of all sizes. From hurtful comments to harmful stereotypes, women are pressured to conform to unrealistic ideals of beauty.

Weight discrimination is another form of mistreatment that plus-size women face. They often encounter biases and prejudices based solely on their body size.

As a plus-size woman, I have experienced the negative impact of these biases firsthand. It can be disheartening to face constant judgment and rejection simply because of my size. It makes me question my worth and damages my self-confidence.

In order to overcome biases against plus-size women, we need a collective effort to challenge societal norms and promote body positivity. It starts with recognizing that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.

Building self-esteem and embracing body diversity are crucial steps towards creating a more inclusive and accepting dating environment for plus-size women.

By educating ourselves and others, we can overcome the stereotypes and prejudices that perpetuate discrimination. It is important to challenge the notion that a person’s worth is determined by their appearance.

Insights From Other Plus-Size Women

Zogie De Gemini, a Nigerian-British Youtuber, has shared her personal experiences and observations on the challenges of dating as a plus-size woman. Her insights provide valuable perspectives on the mistreatment and biases faced by women of size in the dating world.

“Dating as a plus-size woman can be incredibly frustrating. Society places unfair expectations on women’s bodies, and it often feels like we are judged solely based on our size. Many men treat us poorly or make us feel like we should be grateful for their attention, just because we don’t fit the conventional beauty standard. It’s time to challenge these biases and demand the respect we deserve.”

Zogie’s words highlight the negative treatment and low-quality men that often plague the dating experiences of plus-size women. She lifts the veil on the societal expectation for plus-size women to feel lucky for any attention received, shedding light on the importance of setting personal standards and boundaries in relationships.

Overcoming biases against plus-size women requires a collective effort to reshape societal perceptions and celebrate body diversity. By promoting body positivity, challenging stereotypes, and fostering empathy and understanding, we can create a more inclusive and accepting dating environment for all women, regardless of their size.

Personal Stories From Plus-Size Women

The experiences and insights shared by plus-size women like Zogie De Gemini underscore the urgency of addressing men’s treatment of women and the discrimination faced by plus-size individuals. These stories provide a glimpse into the reality of dating as a plus-size woman and serve as a catalyst for change.

Name Location Experience
Mary Thompson Texas, USA Shared stories of body shaming and disrespectful treatment from men, highlighting the need for body positivity and dismantling weight discrimination in the dating world.
Samantha Chen Singapore Discussed the challenges of overcoming societal expectations and finding confidence in her own body as a plus-size woman, advocating for self-love and acceptance.
Julia Perez California, USA Described her journey of overcoming biases against plus-size women and embracing her beauty, inspiring others to do the same.

These personal stories amplify the need for change and call for greater understanding and empathy. They remind us of the importance of creating spaces that uplift and celebrate the diversity of all body types, working towards a society where every woman, regardless of her size, is treated with respect and dignity in the dating realm.

A Personal Account: The Consequences of Preferences and Societal Pressure

During my dating journey as a plus-size woman, I’ve encountered a mixed bag of experiences. One aspect that always struck me is how some men would openly express their desire for my body, but when it came to openly dating me, they hesitated due to the potential social repercussions.

It’s disheartening to encounter men who are seemingly attracted to plus-size women but are held back by societal pressure and expectations. This situation highlights the influence that societal biases and stigmatization have on men’s behavior. Despite finding plus-size women attractive, they succumb to the fear of judgment and negative perceptions.

The consequences of these preferences and societal pressure can have a significant emotional toll on plus-size women. It reinforces the harmful message that our bodies are somehow less desirable or acceptable. It also perpetuates the cycle of discrimination and reinforces the belief that plus-size women are not worthy of public acknowledgment or acceptance.

This personal account serves as a powerful reminder that men’s treatment of plus-size women is not solely determined by personal preferences. Societal expectations surrounding women’s bodies play a significant role in influencing behaviors and perpetuating discrimination. It highlights the need for a shift towards body positivity and challenging societal norms that equate beauty with a specific body size.

“It’s disheartening to encounter men who are seemingly attracted to plus-size women but are held back by societal pressure and expectations.”

By embracing body positivity and rejecting weight discrimination, we can create a society where plus-size women are valued and appreciated for their worth beyond their physical appearance. It’s time to challenge the status quo and foster inclusivity and acceptance in the dating realm.

The Impact of Societal Expectations on Men’s Behavior Towards Plus-Size Women

Societal Expectations Consequences
Negative Perception Men hesitate to openly date plus-size women due to fears of judgment and criticism from others.
Stigma and Bias Men internalize societal biases against plus-size women, leading to discriminatory treatment.
Shame and Insecurity Men may feel ashamed or perceive dating a plus-size woman as a hit to their ego, resulting in secretive relationships.


Dating as a plus-size woman can be a challenging experience, often riddled with mistreatment and discrimination from men. The personal accounts and insights shared throughout this article shed light on the societal biases, preferences, and pressures that contribute to these negative experiences.

It is crucial for us to challenge and overcome these biases in order to create a more inclusive and accepting dating environment for plus-size women. By promoting body positivity, challenging stereotypes, and fostering empathy and understanding, we can work towards a world where plus-size women are treated with the respect and dignity they deserve in the dating realm.

Overcoming biases against plus-size women requires a collective effort. Men must recognize the impact of their treatment towards plus-size women and work towards dismantling these discriminatory behaviors. Women should be empowered to embrace their bodies, advocating for their own self-worth and setting personal boundaries. Society as a whole must challenge the societal expectations placed on women’s bodies and celebrate diverse beauty in all its forms.

By addressing the issues of plus-size discrimination, body shaming, and stereotypes head-on, we can pave the way for a more inclusive and understanding society. Let us strive to create a world where men’s treatment of women is not defined by size or appearance, but by respect, appreciation, and shared values.


Do men really treat plus-size women terribly?

Yes, many plus-size women experience mistreatment and discrimination from men in the dating world.

How do societal expectations of women’s bodies contribute to mistreatment?

Society often promotes thinness as the standard of beauty, causing men to hide their attraction to plus-size women due to fear of judgment or stigma.

Are plus-size women often treated as a secret in relationships?

Yes, some men may feel ashamed or perceive dating a plus-size woman as damaging to their ego, leading to secrecy in the relationship.

Do men fetishize plus-size women?

Yes, some men may objectify plus-size women based solely on their body size, leading to dehumanization and disrespect.

Do plus-size women face unique challenges in the dating world?

While women of all sizes face dating challenges, societal biases and expectations magnify these difficulties for plus-size women.

What insights can other plus-size women offer on dating experiences?

Other plus-size women share their stories and observations, highlighting the negative treatment and low-quality partners often encountered.

How does societal pressure affect men’s behavior in relationships with plus-size women?

Men may express desire for a plus-size woman’s body privately but may hesitate to openly date her due to potential social repercussions.


  • Sophia Dcruz

    Sophia Dcruz is not just an author at Curvardrobe; she's a passionate advocate for self-love, body positivity, and all things fashion. With a genuine desire to empower plus-size women, Sophia brings a unique blend of style expertise and a heartfelt commitment to her role as a writer and influencer.

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